

Primary School

Living And Learning As One


Homework for this weekend: We are hoping to make a stunning Christmas tree in our class - out of individual stars. If every child can make a star for homework out of anything you like - the more creative the better! Add glitter, beads, colour, felt, feathers! Whatever you like! We will then arrange them in a Christmas tree shape on the classroom wall! Our very own special Christmas tree! **If you can also put your name at the centre of your star** If every child contributes by making a star - they have all contributed to something beautiful! 🌟 🎄 ⭐️

Our Harvest Festival 2019

Homework for this weekend: We are hoping to make a stunning Christmas tree in our class - out of individual stars. If every child can make a star for homework out of anything you like - the more creative the better! Add glitter, beads, colour, felt, feathers! Whatever you like! We will then arrange them in a Christmas tree shape on the classroom wall! Our very own special Christmas tree! **If you can also put your name at the centre of your star** If every child contributes by making a star - they have all contributed to something beautiful! 🌟 🎄 ⭐️

Our poignant, beautiful poppy garden

Sorry for the lack of posts on here - I have been utilising the Class Story of Dojo more than this page.


Please see below, the Spellings for the next 5 weeks after half term - until Christmas. (I can't believe I am typing the C word already!)


Holly group's spelling words will be sent home weekly as usual.


Thank you for the continued support with the Spellings each week smiley

Spellings for Autumn Term 2 (Until the Christmas Holidays)

Thank you for completing last week's homework - the woodland creatures are amazing!


These look fantastic on our wall. If you haven’t brought one in yet, it’s not too late – please try and bring one in as they look so great, it would be nice to have one off everyone on our topic wall.


Homework is given on a Friday and needs to be in by the following Friday (but it can be given in earlier.)


For homework this week, a letter has gone out to explain it - and a copy is below if you click on the link.


In class, each of you have selected a Woodland creature that you would like to find out about. Please research that creature and complete the fact file sheet that was sent home.


You don’t have to complete your fact file on the sheet you were given, you might choose to make up your own sheet or do one on the computer using your Google Docs account! But you need to include, where it lives – so for example a fox lives in a forest but it’s home is called an earth! You should include BOTH of those things; what it eats, how it survives and some other interesting facts about your chosen animal.


If you DO decide to do it on the computer, please print out and bring in. 


You will be sharing these fact files in class next week and comparing what other people found out and then they will be displayed on our topic wall or in your topic books – so please keep the sheets neat, try not to crumple or rip them.


(An example of how you might decide to set it out if you do it on the Computer is in the picture below).

Homework 27.9.2019

Busy creating Art

Our mini beast hunt!

SPELLINGS: Spelling groups will be sorted in class on Friday (13/09/19) and the children will be split into three spelling groups; Holly, Oak and Sycamore.


Your child will be told what group they are in - and Spelling word lists will be given out  - on Friday. The Word Lists will include the Spellings for the next 6 weeks (until October Half term.) A copy of this can also be found below if you click on the links once you know what group your child is in.


If your child is in the Holly spelling group they will bring individual spellings (personal to them) home each week in their Reading Records.


Please encourage your child to learn their spellings weekly for a test on a Friday morning.


A new spelling pattern will be taught in class each week and their spelling words for the next week’s test will come from the pattern.


Each week they will get a new spelling pattern to practice, plus a HFW (high frequency word).


*HFW = High frequency words, words that the children should be spelling in Year 3 and will be using regularly in their work.


Spellings Autumn Term 1 (Until October Half Term)

Thank you to those parents who have already connected to our Class Dojo. We are really enjoying using this in class. Unfortunately, I can't accept "requests from parents" to join the class - as I can't be sure that it is 100% the child of the parent in the class, therefore if you ARE a parent and want to join, could you please join the class via the code that your child brought home? If you need another one please let me know and I will get one sent home with your child. 





I apologise for the error, PE will now be on a THURSDAY pm instead of a Tuesday pm. 


Please could you bring suitable kit for indoor PE - it will be gymnastics in the hall. 





 Welcome back - and welcome to Year 3!


I hope you have had a fantastic Summer holidays and are all refreshed and ready to start the new school year – and a big welcome to the junior corridor!


I like to update this website page regularly – and this is where you will find the weekly Homework and Spellings plus any photos, letters or work that the children have been doing. So please check back to this page regularly.


Our topic this term is entitled, “Beth Sydd yn y Coed?”

Which means - What’s in the Woods?

The pupils will be having a massive say in what lessons and activities we will be doing relating to this topic and have already planned some great ideas.


*A Curriculum overview letter explaining what we will be learning about this term, including what days PE are and what our homework and spelling policies are - was sent home today (06/09/2019) and a copy of this can be found below.


*Reading - We are trying to set up our Reading system in Year 3, but lots of pupils have not brought their reading books and reading records back after the summer holidays.

Please could these be returned ASAP so we can set up our reading groups.

Normally, in Year 3, Reading books will be given out on a Friday and should return to school on a Monday.

You should aim to listen to your child read every weekend, and fill in their reading record. However, if for any reason you don’t listen to your child, their books should still be returned on a Monday so a member of staff can listen to them.


*Class Dojo –

I hope that you all received your letters about Class Dojo, the pupils are super excited to take part in this rewards system. It is a way that I can give positive (and negative) reward points to the children for good behaviour, excellent work and kindness.

In Dosbarth Gwyrdd we are using it to reward the pupils with positive Dojo points - the pupil with the highest amount of Dojo points at the end of each week will get to choose a prize from my prize box! ((Negative Dojo points can also be deducted, to deter negative behaviour! What the points are given for will be detailed on the app.))

If you would like to see how your child is doing in relation to Dojo Points, please follow the instructions on the letter attached. I will also be adding photos of the children’s work to the Class Story on the Class Dojo app (as well as to the Class Website page) – a great way for parents to stay updated on what we are doing.


MESSAGE FEATURE: There is a message function on the Class Dojo app - if you need to contact me on the Dojo app please feel free to do so. Messages will be checked daily around school hours. It is a great way to let me know important information about your child / any daily message (no Pe kit, child feeling under the weather, haven’t got their homework / ask any quick questions) rather than trying to catch me at the door, as mornings can be super busy.  


*School Christmas Panto Trip: Another letter went home this week for the school Christmas pantomime, please return this asap as it is a first-come-first-serve-basis and is a fantastic day out.


Thank you for your support,

I look forward to meeting you all at our first Parent-teacher meetings, however if you have any questions before this, please do not hesitate to contact me.


💗 Mrs Parsons 💗

Autumn Term 2019 Overview












This term, our topic is The Seaside. We are going to be finding out about sea life, holidays, rocks and volcanoes and we are hoping to visit the seaside! We are really excited to start a new topic and can't wait to see what we can discover! 


Please note, our P.E. session is on a Tuesday, so please bring in shorts/ joggers, t-shirt, trainers and possibly a sweater in case we do our P.E. session outdoors. 

We will continue to send reading books home on a Friday to read at the weekend. Please can the record books be signed and returned on a Monday, ready for the coming week. 


Our Victorian Visitor

We also invited parents in to see our play, Oliver Twist. 

Victorian Day

We had a Victorian day. The children experienced the way children were taught in Victorian times. They loved it! 

Our visit to St Fagans.

Welcome back after the Easter holidays! 

We had a fantastic time in Dosbarth Gwyrdd at the end of last term. Here is a reminder of what we did:



**Important from the PTA for the Aviva grant**

Can we ask all parents, family, friends - everyone! To vote for us please:

We've entered the Aviva Community Fund to ask for £10,000 for IT equipment for the school - a class set of Chromebooks and an ActivPanel interactive board.

Voting opens today (Tuesday 23rd) at 9am - if you could spare a few minutes to vote for Cwmlai Primary School IT Improvement on the link below it would be massively appreciated! And if your family, friends, neighbours and anyone you've ever known could too, that would be amazing!
Only the projects with the highest votes go through into the final round of considerations and the school could really do with some new equipment.

Voting closes on 20th November, so don't delay!!


You might have to copy and paste the above address, rather than just clicking on it.

Thank you!
Cwmlai PTA and all Cwmlai Primary Staff

The children have had a busy and hardworking term.


Our topic is 'What's for dinner?' we have been tasting and evaluating chocolate and next week we will be tasting food from around the world. In maths we have been busy finding fractions of shape and number. Homework this term has been excellent, well done everybody :) Lots of children have received homework certificates.




Have a safe, fun and happy half-term!

Welcome back to the last Half-Term of the year. We will be continuing to investigate The Body.

The children are really enjoying this topic and want to say a big thank you to our visitors, Ava's friend the doctor and Jacob's auntie the Physiotherapist.

We learnt such a lot from them. We enjoyed finding out about our skeleton and enjoyed working in groups to make a skeleton.

We are having a focus on keeping fit and healthy as part of our topic. We are trying to ''  keep healthy, fit and well.''

We are looking forward to our summer trip to the Mountain View Ranch where we will be exploring and learning outside. Keep an eye out for the letter.

Information from PTA on Spring discos:



School will be open as normal today. The school site has been assessed and the yard mostly cleared. Please take your

time and stay safe as some of the pavements on the way to school are icy. No late marks will be given - just please arrive safely.


We had an e mail from the Local Authority at 2.10 this afternoon which goes as follows;-


We would also recommend that you use the following statement when sending a text to parents or posting this information on social media/school websites:


“Based on current Met Office forecasts of severe winter weather, which is expected to have a significant impact from tomorrow, Thursday 1 March and in to the weekend, the local authority has advised us to close the school tomorrow, Thursday 1 March and Friday 2 March. An update will be provided over the weekend in respect of Monday, 5 March.”


Therefore based on the above information Cwmlai Primary will be closed tomorrow

We will keep in touch via text.

Spring Term

This term our P.E is on a Wednesday. Your child does not need a kit on a Friday.

Our homework will continue to come home on a Tuesday and will need to be back on the following Monday.

Spelling tests will be on a Monday.

Our topic this term is called 'Natural Disasters'. Last week the children made a volcano and watched it erupt after adding some vital ingredients. There was a lot of excitement.

Creating a Volcano

We are also finding out about Re-cycling and our environment.

Thank you for your continued support with spellings, reading and homework.

Mrs Stancombe

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and looking forward to our new year at school.

Mrs Stancombe.

Our Enterprise week

Congratulations Dosbarth Gwyrdd.

We had a very successful Enterprise Fete last week. Well done to all the children who worked very hard. We definitely have a few 'Alan Sugar' characters in our class. A big thank you to all the parents who sent things in, came and bought! We were very pleased to have won the class competition! Llongyfarchiadau!

Look out for the Cwmlai Christmas Fete on Wednesday 6th December. There will be a letter shortly with more information.

Thank you.

Our trip to St Fagans

Great Half - term holiday homework.

What a busy term we've had so far. Lovely to see everyone well - settled into their new class.

Well done for some excellent homework and spelling results.

We've really enjoyed our Roman topic. The Celtic Roundhouses we made are superb.

We all enjoyed a brilliant trip to St Fagan's yesterday. Luckily the downpour coincided with our visit to the Roundhouse. We now looking forward to the run up to Christmas and the concerts.

All of the above is for the class of 2017/18

 Next week is healthy eating and fitness week!

 Put your best foot forward and keep fit!

We are planning a trip to Cardiff Bay to tie in with our topic. We have been comparing tourism in and around Cardiff and that in other places in the world. We hope to go on a short boat trip and a little land train. Please look out for a letter.

  **Days in Dosbarth Gwyrdd**

 Monday- Swimmimg kits and Homework/ Reading book to be returned.

 Tuesday- spelling Test/ Homework and spelling books to go home

 Wednesday - PE Kit required

Friday - Reading Books to come home.

 Please remember how important daily reading is.

 Many thanks for your great support this year so far. Remember if you have any problems or anything bothering you, pop in! Am available most mornings and after school.

Mrs Stancombe.

In Science we have been looking at light and shadows. We had fun drawing round our shadows on a very sunny day a few weeks ago. We did so in the morning, lunchtime and late afternoon and discovered how the shadows change because of the position of the sun in the sky.

Our topic this term is called Travel Agents. We will be looking at travel and life around the world. We are also looking at transport. The class really enjoyed listening to Ben's Dad, Mr Roberts telling us about planes and engines. The class were very interested.

Our topic is global gourmet!  We all got a chance to hold a Lambs heart! It felt all boney not like what we thought it would feel like! 

In Maths we have been practising doubling and halving. 

In English we have been looking at them at diary writing and reading Anne Frank's diary. 

We have been mixing paint colours to make skin colours. 

We are working very hard! 

By Aoibheann and Ben 

  Our New School Council Representatives.

  Our two new representatives are..

  Aoibheann and Joshua.

School Year 2016/ 2017.

Welcome to Year 3. We are looking forward to having lots of fun times. I am Mrs Stancombe and am your child's teacher. Please come and see me if you have any concerns or would like a chat. I am available most evenings straight after school or before school begins.

Our topic this term is Global Gourmet and we'll be learning about foods from all around the world and healthy eating. We will be investigating our bodies and how to keep them healthy. We'll also be carrying out a lot of investigations on our senses.



 Our trip to Tesco.

As part of our Healthy Eating topic we had a fantastic trip to Tesco in Talbot Green. We had a good look round the bakery and the warehouse and even managed to go to the Staffroom and sample some lovely food. Enjoy our pictures...

Dosbarth Gwyrdd have had a lovely term studying the Romans and the Celts during Topic time. We had a lovely trip to St Fagan's, Museum of Welsh life. We were involved in a Celtic workshop where we learned to spin wool and grind flour as our Celtic forefathers would have done!
After our trip we designed and made Celtic roundhouses using straw and salt dough...a very messy business but lots of fun was had! We tried to add measurements and to we focused on working well as a team.
We were very lucky to have the students from the University of Glamorgan to come and teach us about our fitness. We took part in some great team games and then after we'd used our energy we shared a plate of oranges. We discussed cutting them into quarters and then got stuck in!
We had a great time during our Roman banquet. Everyone dressed in a Toga. We played board games as the Romans would have. Then we prepared our Banquet. Such delights as figs, olives, yoghurt and honey, Parma ham and special cheeses were tasted. Everyone was adventurous and enjoyed the different tastes. Some even re tried some of the foods at home.

A reminder that our swimming lessons will be starting this term. They will last until the end of the Summer Term and will take place on a Monday each week.

Your child will be having lunch as per normal, either a school dinner or a packed lunch. They will need to bring in a swimming bag which includes a swimming costume for the girls or some trunks for the boys and a towel. They may like to bring a brush or comb. They will need goggles. The girls may like to like to bring in a swimming cap. They are instructed by professional instructors and will be put into groups during the first session according to ability. I will be there to make sure everyone is alright and that there are no problems.


During our SEAL sessions we have been involved in the theme'Going for Goals'. We have discussed our talents, our hopes and our dreams. We are nurturing some big hopes and dreams and rightly so. Our class is full of talents. Here they share with you their future careers!
In Maths we've been busy getting to grips with fractions. The children enjoyed cutting pizzas into halves, quarters and eighths as you can see..

How many equal parts can we make?

Testing the effects of the distance travelled by a toy car when friction is applied to a ramp.

During Science we've been investigating friction and the effects a ramp would have on the distance travelled by a car. We looked at various materials, made predictions and tested. The children are becoming keen Scientists and are beginning to question the world around them in a very pleasing way!

Good luck with learning our Welsh poems for our Eisteddfod when we return to school after the Half -Term break. Hopefully by now you will be word perfect!

Have a little listen to how it's meant to be done to get a few tips...


Dosbarth Gwyrdd are continuing with our fabulous Roman topic after the holidays. Watch out for our two trips which will be coming up shortly. One is in St Fagan's where we'll be shown around the Celtic Roundhouse by a guide. The other trip will be in the Carleon Roman Museum. This is an interesting day where

we will be involved in a workshop and the children will have this extraordinary era of History brought alive. We are also lucky enough to be visited by a local actress who will be a Roman for the day.. Watch this space!

We have been focusing on the life of the Roman soldier. We have also learnt a lot about Vesuvius and life in Pompeii. Our Literacy book this term has been 'Escape from Pompeii' by. Christina Balit. We have based much of our Literacy around this topic. We enjoyed re-telling the story in small groups and then putting each group together in a little performance. Here is one of our groups. Sit back and enjoy!

The re-telling of the story of 'The Escape From Pompeii'.

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Individual recitation urdd

Still image for this video

Group recitation urdd

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This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

This video is being processed

This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

Welcome back after the Summer! What an exciting time we've been having in dosbarth Gwyrdd! As part of our new topic 'Natural Disasters' we have been investigating volcanoes. We had an amazing time making real, live erupting volcanoes! First of all we discussed how to make the volcanoes. We then worked in groups. We used all sorts of things to produce a reaction. Next we tested them. It was all very exciting as you can see in this little clip.. 

Erupting volcanoes.

Still image for this video

Look at our volcanoes...

Our class really enjoyed their Victorian day. We all had a Victorian name for the day. We had a Drill session, some Victorian handwriting and then did some Victorian Maths. The children sat with their chairs in rows, worked in silence and knew that there was a cane and a Dunce's hat in the corner of the classroom. Despite all this we had a lot of fun!

During our Victorian topic we visited St. Fagan's and visited the school room where we were taught as Victorian children. We studied the work of Victorian artist, William Morris and did some lovely paintings in the  style of the artist.

Dosbarth Gwyrdd thoroughly enjoyed their walk through time!

Our last topic, Wild Wood reminded the children how important the outdoors is to their learning. We studied the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy who uses natural materials such as twigs, wood and shells to make art. The children worked in groups to design and make pieces of art in the Nature area using natural resources.
The holiday homework of making a wild wood in a shoebox was very impressive as you can see.
Our present topic will hopefully bring some sunshine! The topic is called Travel Agents. We have been finding out about our world and the different ways we can travel. We have set up a Travel Agents in our classroom and had a lovely visit from Louise our local Travel Agent. Louise told us all about her job and gave us plenty to think about.

There are some useful websites to look at to help with the tests. We have been doing plenty of practice in school but these websites may be useful


 We will be investigating the tourist attraction of Cardiff Bay. Dates for our next trip will soon be sent home.



